Results for 'Iii Item Alia Eorumdem Proportio Secundum'

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  1. Incipit quinta distinctio* sub qua continentur quindecim significationes cum capitulis istis.I. Triadis Ad Sapientiam Associatio, Secundum Triplicem Eius Materiam, Ii Eiusdem Ad Eandem Conuenientia, Secundum Trinum Effectum, Iii Item Alia Eorumdem Proportio Secundum, Locum Ab Negative, Iv Ad Trinum Locum Consonantia Trium, Excusationum Et Trium Temptationum, V. Consonantia Triadis Et Timoris Secundum & Triplicem Efficientiam - 1999 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 69:184.
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  2. Prima distinctio.I. Quid Dicendum Sit Et Qualiter, Ii Pretitulationes Uiginti Octo Significationum, Iii Deaptitudine Trinitatis Et Tryadis, Iv Triplex Ratio Secundum Mathesim Cur, Numero Theologia Declarauit Deum, V. Ostensio Triplex Secundum Mathesim Cur, Ternario Designata Est Deitas, Vi Designatio Triformis Secundum Logicam Cur, Relatione Declarata Est Deitas & Viictcur Relatione - 1999 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 69:253.
  3. Muslim women and the rhetoric of freedom.Alia Al-Saji - 2009 - In Mariana Ortega & Linda Martín Alcoff, Constructing the Nation: A Race and Nationalism Reader. SUNY Press.
    I argue that representations of the Muslim woman in the Western imaginary function as counter-images to the patriarchal ideal of Western woman. Drawing upon the work of Frantz Fanon (and supplementing it with a consideration of the role of gender), I show how the image of the veiled, Muslim woman is both othered and racialized. This “double othering,” I argue, serves: (i) To normalize Western norms of femininity. The social control of women and their bodies by liberal society is hidden. (...)
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    Anonymus: Defensorium Ockham Ms. Romae, bibl. Angelica 1017 ff. 21r-36r. Anonymus - 1994 - Franciscan Studies 54 (1):111-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Anonymus Defensorium Ockham Ms. Romae, bibl. Angelica 1017 ff. 21r-36r Conspectus siglorum: = addendum censeo [....] = delendum censeo«..» = litterae illegibiles factae sive propter codicis corruptionem deperditae [[..]] = scriptor delevit Y.../ = in margine sive supra lineam inserta (?) = lectio incerta t...-t = corrupta esse videntur I22rl = incipit pagina 22 recto codicis«cCapitulum 15. De novem praedicamentis denominativis> Praedicamenta (adn. in mg.: Capitulo 15) alia (...)
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    The Incommunicability of Human Persons.I. I. I. John F. Crosby - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (3):403-442.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE INCOMMUNICABILITY OF HUMAN PERSONS JOHN F. CROSBY, III Franciscan University of Steubenville Steubenville, Ohio I PROPOSE TO explore the idea that persons do not exist as replaceable specimens of or as mere instances of an ideal or type, but rather exist in some sense for their own sakes, each existing as incommunicably his or her own.1 I undertake this study in the conviction that the incommunicability of persons (...)
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    (1 other version)Three Anonymous Sets of Questions on Aristotle’s Physics Related to John Buridan’s Quaestiones super octo libros Physicorum.Paul J. J. M. Bakker - 2016 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 58:233-323.
    This article offers a detailed presentation of three anonymous, unedited sets of questions on Aristotle’s Physics. The commentaries survive in manuscripts in Oxford, Munich and Sint Agatha. A comparison of the lists of quaestiones suggests that there is a close correspondence between the three commentaries, on the one hand, and the ultima lectura of John Buridan’s Quaestiones super octo libros Physicorum, on the other. Judging from the lists of quaestiones, it makes sense to attach the label secundum Buridanum to (...)
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    Dunning-Kruger Effect: Intuitive Errors Predict Overconfidence on the Cognitive Reflection Test.Mariana V. C. Coutinho, Justin Thomas, Alia S. M. Alsuwaidi & Justin J. Couchman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:603225.
    The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) is a measure of analytical reasoning that cues an intuitive but incorrect response that must be rejected for successful performance to be attained. The CRT yields two types of errors: Intuitive errors, which are attributed to Type 1 processes; and non-intuitive errors, which result from poor numeracy skills or deficient reasoning. Past research shows that participants who commit the highest numbers of errors on the CRT overestimate their performance the most, whereas those with the lowest (...)
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    Valuing wildlands.Iii Holmes Rolston - 1985 - Environmental Ethics 7 (1):23-48.
    Valuing wildlands is complex. (1) In a philosophically oriented analysis, I distinguish seven meaning levels of value, individual preference, market price, individual good, social preference, social good, organismic, and ecosystemic, and itemize twelve types of value carried by wildlands, economic, life support, recreational, scientific, genetic diversity, aesthetic, cultural syrubolization, historical, characterbuilding, therapeutic, religious, and intrinsic. (2) I criticize contingent valuation efforts to price these values. (3) I then propose an axiological model, which interrelates the multiple levels and types of value, (...)
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    Quæstiones super octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis (secundum ultimam lecturam), libri III-IV.John Buridan - 2016 - Leiden-Boston: Brill. Edited by Michiel Streijger, Paul J. J. M. Bakker & Edith Dudley Sylla.
    John Buridan (d. ca. 1360) was one of the most talented and influential philosophers of the later Middle Ages. His Questions Commentary on the eight books of Aristotle's Physics is the most important witness to Buridan's teachings in the field of natural philosophy. This volume presents the first critical edition of books III and IV of the final redaction of Buridan's Questions Commentary on the Physics. The critical edition of the Latin text is accompanied by a detailed guide to the (...)
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  10. [Hypothesis Ethike] de Finibus & Officiis Secundum Naturæjus. Unde Casus Conscientiæ Quatenus Notiones À Natura Suppetunt, Dijudicari Poterunt. Jureconsultorum, Item Veterum Aliorumque Doctorum, Tam Ex Paganorum Quàm Ex Christianorum Scholis Consensus Ostenditur. Principia Item, & Rationes Novatorum Omnium in Philosophia Ad Ethicam & Politicam Spectantes, Quatenus Huic Hypothesi Contradicere Videantur, in Examen Veniunt. In Usum Theologiæ & Ll. & Vitæhonestati Studentium.Robert Sharrock, Leonard Lichfield & Richard Davis - 1682 - Typis Lichfeldianis. Prostant Apud Ricardum Davis.
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  11. M. Tullij Ciceronis de Philosophia Volumen Secundum, Id Est, de Natura Deorum Libri Iii. De Diuinatione Libri Ii. De Fato Liber I. De Legibus Libri Iii. De Uniuersitate Liber I. Q. Ciceronis de Petitione Consulatus Ad Marcum Fratrem Liber I. Cum Scholijs, & Coniecturis Pauli Manutij de Locis Aliquot Obscurioribus. ; Corrigente Pavlo Manvtio Aldi Filio.Marcus Tullius Cicero, Paolo Manuzio & Heredi di Aldo Manuzio - 1552 - Aldi Filii.
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    John Buridan's Tractatus de infinito: Quaestiones super Libros physicorum secundum ultimam lecturam, liber III, quaestiones 14–19. [REVIEW]Jack Zupko - 1994 - Speculum 69 (2):438-439.
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    Dialogus de substantiis physicis: ante annos ducentos confectus, à Vuilhelmo Aneponymo philosopho. Item, libri tres incerti authoris, eiusdem ætatis. I. De calore vitali. II. De mari & aquis. III. De fluminum origine. Industria Guilielmi Grataroli Medici. Argentorati, I. Rihelius, 1567. William - 1567 - Frankfurt/M.:
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    III-A Unified Solution to Some Paradoxes.Laurence Goldstein - 2000 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100 (1):53-74.
    The Russell class does not exist because the conditions purporting to specify that class are contradictory, and hence fail to specify any class. Equally, the conditions purporting to specify the Liar statement are contradictory and hence, although the Liar sentence is grammatically in order, it fails to yield a statement. Thus the common source of these and related paradoxes is contradictory (or tautologous) specifying conditions-for such conditions fail to specify. This is the diagnosis. The cure consists of seeking and destroying (...)
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  15. Modularity and intuitions in formal semantics: the case of polarity items.Emmanuel Chemla, Vincent Homer & Daniel Rothschild - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (6):537-570.
    Linguists often sharply distinguish the different modules that support linguistics competence, e.g., syntax, semantics, pragmatics. However, recent work has identified phenomena in syntax (polarity sensitivity) and pragmatics (implicatures), which seem to rely on semantic properties (monotonicity). We propose to investigate these phenomena and their connections as a window into the modularity of our linguistic knowledge. We conducted a series of experiments to gather the relevant syntactic, semantic and pragmatic judgments within a single paradigm. The comparison between these quantitative data leads (...)
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  16. A proof theoretical account of polarity items and monotonic inference.Raffaella Bernardi - unknown
    i. M is positive in M . ii. M is positive (negative) in P Q iff M is positive (negative) in P . iii. M is positive (negative) in P Q iff M is positive (negative) in Q, and P denotes..
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    Essere e vita in Plotino (VI, 2 [43]; III, 7 [45]).Riccardo Chiaradonna - 2020 - Chôra 18:487-500.
    This paper focuses on Plotinus’ account of life and being in treatises VI, 2 [43] On the genera of being and III, 7 [45] On eternity and time. Life and being play a key role in Plotinus’ ontology since they characterise incorporeal realities as such. Therefore, focusing on these items makes it possible to attain an account of intelligible reality according to the principles appropriate to it. Three issues are considered: the cognitive process through which the soul grasps being and (...)
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    Bibliography of Bertrand Russell. Volume I: Separate Publications, 1896-1990, and: Volume II: Serial Publications, 1890-1990, and: Volume III: Indexes (review). [REVIEW]G. A. Wedeking & A. D. Irvine - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (1):146-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Bibliography of Bertrand Russell. Volume I: Separate Publications, 1896–1990 by Kenneth Blackwell, Harry RujaG. A. Wedeking and A. D. IrvineKenneth Blackwell and Harry Ruja. A Bibliography of Bertrand Russell. Volume I: Separate Publications, 1896–1990. Pp. lvi + 611. Volume II: Serial Publications, 1890–1990. Pp. xiv + 575. Volume III: Indexes. Pp. xi + 305. London: Routledge, 1994. Cloth, $455.00 the set.As Russell remarked: “It is a curious (...)
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  19. O léxico filosófico de Aristóteles (III): Comentários a Metafísica V.18-30.Lucas Angioni - 2019 - Dissertatio 48:295-376.
    These are the commentaries (or notes) for Aristotle's Metaphysics V (Delta) 18-30. This file must be read together with the translation into Portuguese, which has been published as a different item, with a different DOI. In the Introduction, I discuss many issues about Aristotle's jargon, Aristotle's style and Aristotle's awareness of many philosophical problems that nowadays we locate within the branch Philosophy of Language.
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    The Substantial Unity of Material Substances according to John Poinsot.John D. Kronen - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):599-615.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE SUBSTANTIAL UNITY OF MATERIAL SUBSTANCES ACCORDING TO JOHN POINSOT JOHN D. KRONEN The University of St. Thomas St. Paul, Minnesota EVERY SUBSTANCE metaphysician must answer several difficult questions peculiar to his or her ontology. In this paper I will examine John Poinsot's answer to two of these questions, one concerning the nature of the form of substantial composites, and one concerning which material objects are substantial composites. I (...)
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    Aquinas’s Fourth Way and the Approximating Relation.Joseph Bobik - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (1):17-36.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AQUINAS'S FOURTH WAY AND THE APPROXIMATING RELATION HERE IS, IT CAN BE SAID, at least one troubleome premise (to some, unacceptable) in each of the Five Ways recorded by Aquinas in the Summa Theologiae (S.T., I, q.2, a.3, c.). Three of the W·ays, i.e., the First and the Second and the Fifth, have a premise which describes God-Prime Mover (Primum Movens, quod a nullo movetur), First Efficient Cause (Causa (...)
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    Categories for the Working Mathematician.Saunders Maclane - 1971 - Springer.
    Category Theory has developed rapidly. This book aims to present those ideas and methods which can now be effectively used by Mathe­ maticians working in a variety of other fields of Mathematical research. This occurs at several levels. On the first level, categories provide a convenient conceptual language, based on the notions of category, functor, natural transformation, contravariance, and functor category. These notions are presented, with appropriate examples, in Chapters I and II. Next comes the fundamental idea of an adjoint (...)
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  23. Limits of Intelligibility: Issues from Kant and Wittgenstein.Jens Pier (ed.) - 2023 - London: Routledge.
    The essays in this volume investigate the question of where, and in what sense, the bounds of intelligible thought, knowledge, and speech are to be drawn. Is there a way in which we are limited in what we think, know, and say? And if so, does this mean that we are constrained—that there is something beyond the ken of human intelligibility of which we fall short? Or is there another way to think about these limits of intelligibility—namely, as conditions of (...)
  24. The Essence of Structural Irrationality.Julian Fink - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 26 (2).
    The phenomenon of ‘structural irrationality’ covers a diverse range of combinations of attitudes, including (inter alia) contradictory beliefs, contradictory intentions, means–end incoherence, akratic incoherence, and cyclical preferences. This paper offers a novel, unified account of when a pattern of attitudes qualifies as structurally irrational. It begins by setting up the core of the view I will be defending: a set of attitudes is irrational if and only if it is impossible for those attitudes to be jointly successful. I show (...)
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  25. The Problem of Faith and Reason.Daniel Howard-Snyder & Daniel J. McKaughan - 2023 - In John Greco, Tyler Dalton McNabb & Jonathan Fuqua, The Cambridge Handbook of Religious Epistemology. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Faith in God conflicts with reason—or so we’re told. We focus on two arguments for this conclusion. After evaluating three criticisms of them, we identify an assumption they share, namely that faith in God requires belief that God exists. Whether the assumption is true depends on what faith is. We sketch a theory of faith that allows for both faith in God without belief that God exists, and faith in God while in belief-cancelling doubt God’s existence. We then argue that (...)
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    A construction based analysis of child directed speech.Thea Cameron-Faulkner, Elena Lieven & Michael Tomasello - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (6):843-873.
    The child directed speech of twelve English‐speaking motherswas analyzed in terms of utterance‐level constructions. First, the mothers' utterances were categorized in terms of general constructional categories such as Wh‐questions, copulas and transitives. Second, mothers' utterances within these categories were further specified in terms of the initial words that framed the utterance, item‐based phrases such as Are you …, I'll …, It's …, Let's …, What did … The findings were: (i) overall, only about 15% of all maternal utterances had (...)
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    The Reputational Benefits of Intellectual Humility.Mia Karabegovic & Hugo Mercier - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (2):483-498.
    Much work on intellectual humility has focused on its epistemic benefits. We suggest that displaying (or failing to display) intellectual humility also has effects on how others perceive us and that, as a result, intellectual humility can serve reputation management purposes, in at least four ways: (i) Intellectual humility can be used to signal we are a good source of information; (ii) Intellectual humility can be used to signal we are competent through countersignaling; (iii) Intellectual humility can be used to (...)
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  28. Why Continuous Motions Cannot Be Composed of Sub-motions: Aristotle on Change, Rest, and Actual and Potential Middles.Caleb Cohoe - 2018 - Apeiron 51 (1):37-71.
    I examine the reasons Aristotle presents in Physics VIII 8 for denying a crucial assumption of Zeno’s dichotomy paradox: that every motion is composed of sub-motions. Aristotle claims that a unified motion is divisible into motions only in potentiality (δυνάμει). If it were actually divided at some point, the mobile would need to have arrived at and then have departed from this point, and that would require some interval of rest. Commentators have generally found Aristotle’s reasoning unconvincing. Against David Bostock (...)
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  29. The Structure of Stoic Metaphysics.Dominic Bailey - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 46:253-309.
    In this paper I offer a new interpretation of Stoic ontology. I aim to explain the nature of, and relations between, (i) the fundamental items of their physics, bodies; (ii) the incorporeal items about which they theorized no less; and (iii) universals, towards which the Stoic attitude seems to be a bizarre mixture of realism and anti-realism. In the first half of the paper I provide a new model to explain the relationship between those items in (i) and (ii). This (...)
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  30. Attitudinal Change in Elderly Citizens Toward Social Robots: The Role of Personality Traits and Beliefs About Robot Functionality.Malene F. Damholdt, Marco Nørskov, Ryuji Yamazaki, Raul Hakli, Catharina Vesterager Hansen, Christina Vestergaard & Johanna Seibt - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:1701.
    Attitudes toward robots influence the tendency to accept or reject robotic devices. Thus it is important to investigate whether and how attitudes toward robots can change. In this pilot study we investigate attitudinal changes in elderly citizens toward a tele-operated robot in relation to three parameters: (i) the information provided about robot functionality, (ii) the number of encounters, (iii) personality type. Fourteen elderly residents at a rehabilitation center participated. Pre-encounter attitudes toward robots, anthropomorphic thinking, and personality were assessed. Thereafter the (...)
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  31. Substances.S. Marc Cohen - 2008 - In Georgios Anagnostopoulos, A Companion to Aristotle. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 197–212.
    This is a survey of Aristotle's development of the concept of substance in the Categories and Book VII (Zeta) of the Metaphysics. We begin with the Categories conception of a primary substance as that which is not "in a subject" -- i.e., not ontologically dependent on anything else -- and also not "said of a subject" -- i.e., not predicated of any item beneath it in its categorial tree. This gives us the idea of primary substances as ontologically basic (...)
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  32. Solving the Tacking Problem with Contrast Classes.Jake Chandler - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (3):489-502.
    The traditional Bayesian qualitative account of evidential support (TB) takes assertions of the form 'E evidentially supports H' to affirm the existence of a two-place relation of evidential support between E and H. The analysans given for this relation is $C(H,E) =_{def} Pr(H\arrowvertE) \models Pr(H)$ . Now it is well known that when a hypothesis H entails evidence E, not only is it the case that C(H,E), but it is also the case that C(H&X,E) for any arbitrary X. There is (...)
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  33. Professor William Craig’s Criticisms of Critiques of Kalam Cosmological Arguments By Paul Davies, Stephen Hawking, and Adolf Grunbaum.Graham Oppy - 1995 - Faith and Philosophy 12 (2):237-250.
    Kalam cosmological arguments have recently been the subject of criticisms, at least inter alia, by physicists---Paul Davies, Stephen Hawking---and philosophers of science---Adolf Grunbaum. In a series of recent articles, William Craig has attempted to show that these criticisms are “superficial, iII-conceived, and based on misunderstanding.” I argue that, while some of the discussion of Davies and Hawking is not philosophically sophisticated, the points raised by Davies, Hawking and Grunbaum do suffice to undermine the dialectical efficacy of kalam cosmological arguments.
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    (1 other version)Experimental Philosophy and the Incentivisation Challenge: a Proposed Application of the Bayesian Truth Serum.Philipp Schoenegger - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-26.
    A key challenge in experimental social science research is the incentivisation of subjects such that they take the tasks presented to them seriously and answer honestly. If subject responses can be evaluated against an objective baseline, a standard way of incentivising participants is by rewarding them monetarily as a function of their performance. However, the subject area of experimental philosophy is such that this mode of incentivisation is not applicable as participant responses cannot easily be scored along a true-false spectrum (...)
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  35. Intention and Motivational Strength.Hugh McCann - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Research 20:571-583.
    One of the principal preoccupations of action theory is with the role of intention in the production of action. It should be expected that this role would be important, since an item of behavior appears to count as action just when there is some respect in which it is intended by the agent. This being the case, an account of the function of intention should provide insight into how human action might differ from other sorts of events, what the (...)
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  36. The Effects of Language and Semantic Repetition on the Enactment Effect of Action Memory.Xinyuan Zhang & Sascha Zuber - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:511601.
    Humans exhibit enhanced memory performance when information is encoded by physically enacting it, as opposed to passively reading or hearing the same information; an effect referred to as “enactment effect.” The present study explored the effects of language (native vs. non-native) and semantic repetition (repeated vs. non-repeated) on the enactment effect in action memory. Forty-eight subjects learned action phrases either by enacting or by reading the items. Results showed (i) better memory for enacted phrases, (ii) better memory for non-native repeated (...)
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    The Power of Discipline: Unveiling its Impact on Students' Problem-Solving Skills.Regie Bangoy - 2025 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 33 (4):442-447.
    The impact of teacher discipline on student outcomes is a critical area in educational research. However, limited studies have explored how specific discipline styles affect students' problem-solving abilities, particularly in Grade Six classrooms. This study investigates the relationship between classroom discipline styles of Grade Six teachers and students' problem-solving skills in schools within District III and IV of Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental Philippines. Using a descriptive-correlational design, the study involved 34 Grade Six teachers and 170 students selected through purposive and (...)
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  38. Epistemic Complicity.Cameron Boult - 2023 - Episteme 20 (4):870-893.
    There is a widely accepted distinction between being directly responsible for a wrongdoing versus being somehow indirectly or vicariously responsible for the wrongdoing of another person or collective. Often this is couched in analyses of complicity, and complicity’s role in the relationship between individual and collective wrongdoing. Complicity is important because, inter alia, it allows us to make sense of individuals who may be blameless or blameworthy to a relatively low degree for their immediate conduct, but are nevertheless blameworthy (...)
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    Legal Linguistics and Intellectual Property Law: A Critical Review of Calboli’s and Montagnani’s Handbook of Intellectual Property Research: Lenses, Methods, and Perspectives (Oxford University Press 2021).Daniel Green - 2025 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 38 (1):307-326.
    This review presents a critical reading of Calboli's and Montagnani's _Handbook of Intellectual Property Research_ from the perspective of Applied Legal Linguistics (ALL). It first identifies the lack of discussion from the perspective of applied legal linguistics (ALL), legal semiotics, and discourse analysis, and points out the strong connection between intellectual property (IP) law and language. I seek to convey my insight how legal linguistics is not merely auxiliary but is, in fact, very much intertwined with real-world legal outcomes in (...)
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  40. Implicit Learning, Bilingualism, and Dyslexia: Insights From a Study Assessing AGL With a Modified Simon Task.Maria Vender, Diego Gabriel Krivochen, Beth Phillips, Douglas Saddy & Denis Delfitto - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This paper presents an experimental study investigating artificial grammar learning (AGL) in monolingual and bilingual children, with and without dyslexia, using an original methodology. We administered a serial reaction time (SRT) task, in the form of a modified Simon task, in which the sequence of the stimuli was manipulated according to the rules of a simple Lindenmayer grammar (more specifically, a Fibonacci grammar). By ensuring that the subjects focused on the correct response execution at the motor stage in presence of (...)
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    Mereological Anti-Conservatism.Alexandre Declos & Vincent Grandjean - 2025 - Acta Analytica:1-18.
    In this paper, we examine an overlooked answer to the Special Composition Question (SCQ), termed “Mereological Anti-Conservatism.” This view posits that extraordinary objects exist but that ordinary objects do not. For example, while tables and chairs do not exist, the mereological sums of these items do correspond to real objects. Although such a claim may initially seem absurd, we argue that (i) it is entirely derived from the claims and commitments of traditional rival theories—Nihilism, Universalism, and Conservatism; (ii) it resolves (...)
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  42. Kant y el incesto.Jassir Enrique Hernández Castilla - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (11):8-36.
    Intentar explicar el origen, evolución y violación de un tabú considerado casi universal en las sociedades humanas no es una empresa sencilla dado su carácter polifacético; sin embargo, ello no ha impedido que en muchos ordenamientos jurídicos sea empleado ese sentimiento de repulsión o asco como un elemento para criminalizar una relación sexual aparentemente ofensiva. El artículo sostiene que el matrimonio es la única forma en que las prácticas sexuales entre parientes en condición de igualdad pueden tener lugar. Para ello: (...)
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    Measuring Female Gaming: Gamer Profile, Predictors, Prevalence, and Characteristics From Psychological and Gender Perspectives.Olatz Lopez-Fernandez, A. Jess Williams & Daria J. Kuss - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Research investigating female gaming is relatively scarce, and past research has demonstrated that men are more likely to be problematic gamers. Few studies have focused on female gamers in community samples, and those that have been published have mainly collected data qualitatively in Europe. There is case study evidence suggesting clinicians are increasingly treating problem female gamers. The aim of this study is threefold: (i) to establish an international female gamer profile, (ii) to determine predictors associated with perceived internet gaming (...)
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    JUNE 2015 UPDATE: A BIBLIOGRAPHY: JOHN CORCORAN’S PUBLICATIONS ON ARISTOTLE 1972–2015 By John Corcoran -/- This presentation includes a complete bibliography of John Corcoran’s publications relevant to his research on Aristotle’s logic. Sections I, II, III, and IV list 21 articles, 44 abstracts, 3 books, and 11 reviews. It starts with two watershed articles published in 1972: the Philosophy & Phenomenological Research article from Corcoran’s Philadelphia period that antedates his Aristotle studies and the Journal of Symbolic Logic article from his (...)
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    Frege’s platonism and mathematical creation: some new perspectives.Matthias Schirn - 2024 - Synthese 205 (1):1-62.
    In this three-part essay, I investigate Frege’s platonist and anti-creationist position in Grundgesetze der Arithmetik and to some extent also in Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik. In Sect. 1.1, I analyze his arithmetical and logical platonism in Grundgesetze. I argue that the reference-fixing strategy for value-range names—and indirectly also for numerical singular terms—that Frege pursues in Grundgesetze I gives rise to a conflict with the supposed mind- and language-independent existence of numbers and logical objects in general. In Sect. 1.2 and 1.3, (...)
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    Spinoza and other heretics: Reply to critics.Yirmiyahu Yovel - 1992 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 35 (1):81 – 112.
    In part I I reply to Seymour Feldman's criticism of volume 1 of The Marrano of Reason. I try to show that Professor Feldman misreads me, first, by overlooking the transformation of Spinoza's Marrano traits from the world of religion to the world of reason; second, by failing to recognize the diversity of Marrano responses as part of my own thesis; and thirdly, by paying no heed to the mental (or, phenomenological) structures and analysis upon which a good deal of (...)
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    The Triadic Roots of Human Cognition: “Mind” Is the Ability to go Beyond Dyadic Associations.Norman D. Cook - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:293649.
    Empirical evidence is reviewed indicating that the extraordinary aspects of the human mind are due to our species’ ability to go beyond simple “dyadic associations” and to process the relations among three items of information simultaneously. Classic explanations of the “triadic” nature of human skills have been advocated by various scholars in the context of the evolution of human cognition. Here I summarize the core processes as found in (i) the syntax of language, (ii) tool-usage, and (iii) joint attention. I (...)
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  48. SEPTEMBER 2015 UPDATE CORCORAN ARISTOTLE BIBLIOGRAPHY.John Corcoran - forthcoming - Aporia 5.
    This presentation includes a complete bibliography of John Corcoran’s publications relevant on Aristotle’s logic. The Sections I, II, III, and IV list respectively 23 articles, 44 abstracts, 3 books, and 11 reviews. Section I starts with two watershed articles published in 1972: the Philosophy & Phenomenological Research article—from Corcoran’s Philadelphia period that antedates his discovery of Aristotle’s natural deduction system—and the Journal of Symbolic Logic article—from his Buffalo period first reporting his original results. It ends with works published in 2015. (...)
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    Learning algorithms versus automatability of Frege systems.Ján Pich & Rahul Santhanam - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. We connect learning algorithms and algorithms automating proof search in propositional proof systems: for every sufficiently strong, well-behaved propositional proof system [math], we prove that the following statements are equivalent, (1) Provable learning. [math] proves efficiently that p-size circuits are learnable by subexponential-size circuits over the uniform distribution with membership queries. (2) Provable automatability. [math] proves efficiently that [math] is automatable by non-uniform circuits on propositional formulas expressing p-size circuit lower bounds. Here, [math] (...)
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    Inclusive Education in Latin American Universities: Proposal for A Care Model.Karina Delgado-Valdivieso & David Alfredo Vivas-Paspuel - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:534-552.
    In Latin America, policies on inclusive education in the university are implemented in an irrelevant way, despite the foundations that seek a university that guarantees in all students the learning, skills and competences they need. To try to provide solutions, the Social Model of Inclusive Education (MSEI) is proposed, which allows identifying management in inclusive education, by calculating the effectiveness index, using the cause-effect structure among three variables: i) policies in inclusive education, ii) conditions presented by students and iii) attitudes (...)
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